
Blackburns Hair Salon,140-142 King St, Castle Douglas, 07794 604011


Opening Hours

Tuesday 9 - 6

Wednesday 9 - 6

Thursday 9 - 6



Nail Surgery

Nail Surgery is advised when:

  • an in-growing toenail becomes chronic
  • the nail structure is damaged after trauma/injury
  • there is chronic infection

Part of the nail or the whole nail plate is removed, together with the cells that generate regrowth (in the nail bed and nail matrix – below the cuticle).

Research shows that the most effective method of permanent destruction of the matrix & cells that generate nail tissue is by using phenol – a caustic chemical. This causes a chemical burn and therefore healing is relatively slow. However, this method is still preferable to surgical excision due to the fact that when healing is complete, there is little or no scarring or nail regrowth.

Nail Surgery may be contraindicated if you:

  • have poor circulation
  • are immunosuppressed, and therefore at greater risk of infection during the healing process

Consultation with your GP is advised in those circumstances.

Thankfully, partial or total nail avulsion with phenolisation is an easy and inexpensive option for most patients who have developed problems with their nails. It is often the preferred option to having regular routine podiatry to remove the edges of the nails to keep the feet comfortable.


What happens?

A local anesthetic is given, usually via two injections; one at either side of the toe

The nail is separated from the nail bed

The nail (or part of the nail) is removed

Phenol is applied to all or part of the nail bed and matrix.

The toe is dressed, using gauze and a bandage. This is usually left in place for 48-72 hours, or when the first follow up appointment can be arranged.

The wound is checked, cleansed and re-dressed.

Further follow up appointments are arranged depending upon healing progress. These are short appointments of approximately 15 minutes.

Between appointments you will be advised to bathe the wound in salt solutions and apply clean dry dressings until sufficiently healed. Due to the application of phenol, this usually takes around 4-8 weeks, providing there is no post operative infection.

Prices include local anesthetics, dressings and all follow up appointments.

A reduction is applied if more than one procedure is done simultaneously.

"I had surgery to remove my toe nails many years ago. The result was not good and my nails were distorted, painful and difficult to cut. I had problems ever since, until I started to attend Footprints. It has made a tremendous difference to my comfort. I could not manage without having this treatment"

Mrs G Robinson, Wigtown